Understanding climate change

​Quick facts - did you know?
The world’s climate has been getting hotter since 1900. Most of it has been caused by industrialisation around the globe and high pollution levels that impact our Air, Oceans and Land. These all lead to changing weather patterns.
Our world is impacted by extreme temperatures in many countries or high rainfall which cause draughts or floods. We need to reduce our temperature to 1.5c by 2030. This means stop using fossil fuels for industry and everyday living.
Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the defining moment to do something about it. There is still time to tackle climate change, but it will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society.

What you can do
Look at the links to exciting resources below and do some of the following:
Test your knowledge with a quiz
Look at the 10 simple climate actions everyone can take
Adapt the learning resources to your school's culture and context
Explore the facts, understand Climate Conferences
Organise school debates
Apply for student or schoool awards
Look up storytelling from countries around the world
See a range of teaching materials in multiple languages
​Teaching and learning resources for schools
Here are some exciting resources on climate change from several organisations.
They may be developed in different countries but adapt them for your students in your part of the world.
Online Quiz on a range of topics by American Museum of Natural History.
Test your knowledge
World Wild Life Fund in UK have teaching/student resources.
Check out WWF in your own country for more local information
The US site Project Learning Tree has the following resources useful for all around the world
SEED – Sustainability and Environmental Education website have collated links to other learning resources on a variety of topics.
Ten simple climate actions everyone can take.
Learning resources in several languages for adults and youth are available at Climate-box.com developed by UNDP
Interclimate network resources has learning materials for older students to explore the facts, understand Climate Conferences, and debate and think of actions for schools
Practical action has materials about regreening the desert and preventing floods that helps to learn about climate change impacts
Get some global perspectives and human stories around Climate Action from the United Nations in the link below.
UNEP (UN Environmental Programme) every year gives awards to Young Champions who have generated innovations to some environmental challenges in their regions. Read their stories for inspiration about what can be done.
Young Reporters for the Environment is a platform for young people aged 11 to 25 to research environmental challenges and tell stories about solutions through reporting, photography and video journalism. Get involved and express your voice.
Ashden Climate Change Charity gives annual awards to organisations and individuals providing innovative solutions to reducing carbon emissions and providing clean energy. Read some of their stories.