Refocussing our minds
How we feel about ourselves often dictates our behaviours and actions.
Our mind is the greatest place where we can make choices and our heart dictates our instincts based on innate values of goodness. It is the place where we can choose our own pathways of happiness, or to stay fixed on our troubles and fears based on false beliefs about ourselves.
Research by neuroscientists, philosophers, psychologists, and behavioural scientists now acknowledge that positive psychology and developing a growth mindset and right brain cognitive thinking allows us to move ourselves out of our negative personal quagmire and belief systems.
So how do we move forwards from believing the cup is half full to choosing self- belief, and actions based on our core values above all else?

What you can do
Develop a growth mindset.
The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.
Contrary to the growth mindset, a fixed mindset means that you believe that your abilities, talents, intelligence, or personality traits are given and unchangeable.
A fixed mindset can stop us in our tracks. The fear of failure forces us to stick with what we know we can do and not explore what we are capable of doing. This can affect our attitudes and behaviours and those of others towards us.
What others have done
The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.
Although people may differ in every which way in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through application and experience.
How do you deal with failure? Do you struggle with setbacks, or get upset about losing?
Nurturing a growth mindset can help tackle life’s difficulties much more efficiently without frustrations.
Are you living with intent?
Can you think differently about possibilities?

A checklist
Instead of saying "I have to because…" change it to say… "I Choose to because…"
See challenge as an opportunity.
Learn from failure or mistakes, what can be learnt. The fear of failure is the fear of the unknown.
Acknowledge the imperfections, no one is perfect.
Explore different ways of problem solving.
Use positive language, words and thoughts, they become a self-believing prophecy.
Don’t compare with others or seek approval. Enjoy the journey of getting to something you are trying to achieve.
Practice change
“If you can breathe, You can meditate” (Tibetan Monk)
The art of meditation comes from ancient traditions and turns our attention inwards, quietens our minds, and reaches a state of inner peace.
A mindfulness moment is when we are actively aware of what we are doing while we are doing it, engaging all our senses to be more relaxed and less stressed when finished.
Practicing either or both:
reduces stress
controls anxiety and improves coping skills
reduces negative thoughts
enhances self-awareness and positive changes
reduces age related memory loss
helps control pain a supplement to medical therapy
regulates and decreases blood pressure which can help prevent heart disease.