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Preventing water loss

Earth is called the Blue planet because 71 percent of the earth’s surface is covered in water and It appears Blue from space.  But only 1 percent of the total is fresh water, and this is unevenly distributed.


So if only 1 % of the total water is drinkable why do we pollute it? But hold on, what makes you think your water is safe?


We can blame large industries and rogue manufacturers polluting straight into rivers, streams and freshwater supplies.  We take for granted the water companies treat our waste and supply us with clean water.  All this is paid for by our water taxes.  


But the more we as individuals pollute, the more expensive water will get.  In many cities due to increased urbanization fresh water sources are rapidly drying out.  Climate change patterns are challenging our sources of fresh water.  Cycles of drought and floods challenge not just us but the vegetation, fish and meat sources we rely on in the food chain.

What you can do

Conserving water

It is time to reduce water wastage and conservation in our daily lives.

Flushing toilets are major users of water.  Many countries fit dual flush buttons as standard design to reduce water flow. Use aerators to use less water from taps.  


Reusing water

If more of our water is being treated and recycled back to us, each of us has to be responsible for what we are putting into it.  


Choosing appliances carefully

If you are in environments where you use washing machines or dishwasher check the ecolabel and energy and water consumption information.  Always use with full load this will reduce water and energy waste.  Washing in cold water in many countries is standard using top loaders. This saves energy and preserves colour.

What others have done

Image by Crystal Kwok

A checklist

There are creative ways to conserve and reuse the scarce water we have on the planet.

Don't pollute what we have left!

With cleaning materials, avoid unnecessary dyes and fragrances.

Use natural soaps instead of concentrate detergents.   

Substitute cleaning where possible with natural products. 

People have cleaned homes with these well before marketer’s and media convinced us we needed convenience and harmful chemicals in our homes. 


Learn more about alternative natural cleaning products!

Call for change

Take simple steps.  


We are not all in the same environments, and a lot depends on where we are in the world, and on our economic situation.


However, it is the responsibility of manufacturers to produce reduced toxin products and clean water alternatives.  As consumers, we can boycott buying, switch suppliers, recycle and reuse our waste water, and write and query why water treatment companies cannot change the process and quality and still keep the price affordable.  


You may be thinking what difference will it make?  Well, think about your own values and aspirations.  Taking a stand by using the power of your pocket is your first step.

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