Our workplace
Going Green in the Workplace
Whether we work for someone else or for ourselves, the work space environments have radically changed.
Technological advancements just leap frogged. Successful companies are those using innovative ideas and solutions to transform their workplaces, workforces, and the type of work itself.
Using as many of the 9 R's in the workplace can bring significant benefits.
Going Green not only benefits the workspace environment but benefits the business or organisations.
Installing sustainable solutions for cutting waste and applying technology for increased efficiencies can lower operational costs.
Some Governments offer green energy tax incentives to those reducing energy consumption significantly.
Governments and City Authorities increasingly procure from business enterprises implementing green initiatives.

Going green - the business case
Consumer perception is key to success of any business, and increasingly customers are interested in companies' Green credentials.
A study by Nielson showed that 55% of worldwide customers would pay a premium for products offered by eco-friendly companies. Sales also show a 6% return for every dollar a company donates towards environmental sustainable initiatives.
The same study also found that 70% of employees preferred to work in companies that are socially responsible.
Companies incorporating green practices stand better chances of attracting and retaining the best talent. Employees want to know that the values of the company match their own.
Greener office supplies
Switch to a green electricity supplier, use solar and wind-generated power in place of carbon-based energy.
Let office equipment run on rechargeable batteries to save you some money and save the environment from toxic wastes from carbon energy.
Reduce or eliminate the use of products that do not have green alternatives, such as rubber bands.
Recycle your used office supplies, use recycled paper, and if possible p
urchase a multipurpose printer, instead of getting a different machine for each function. This saves energy. -
Purchase updated more energy-efficient computers repurpose old ones and regift to a charity.
Use hand dryers instead of paper towels in office restrooms, and install low-flow faucet aerators to help reduce the amount of water flowing from taps.
Reduce heat loss from windows with weather-stripping and caulking.

Sustainable green building design
Green/ Sustainable buildings
Green or sustainable building principles refer to a structure and the application of processes that they are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout the building's lifecycle.
This includes the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition of buildings. It needs to consider all dimensions of sustainability impact on people, planet and profit across the supply chain.
New technologies are constantly emerging and being developed to ensure green buildings reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment through:
Efficiently using energy, water and other resources
Protecting the occupants' health and improving employee productivity
Reducing building waste, pollution and environmental damage.