Disposing other waste safely
We as consumers tend to want the latest model of gadgets or particular phones. We often underutilize what we have and don’t make most use of what is says it can do.
Think before throwing… did I get best use of it, does it still work?
Can it be fixed? Find someone locally who can repair electronic goods. Contribute to keeping skills alive.

What you can do
Think before you buy.
Often buying cheap may result in expensive repairs or throwing and adding to the waste.
Buy products that are energy efficient and durable.
They may be expensive but greater likelihood there will better use of the product, is also energy efficient and not added to the electronics waste heap in landfills!
What others have done
E-waste solutions
There are different methods of disposing of and recycling the increasing amount of metal and e-waste we produce.

A checklist
There are many everyday items used that we are unaware of, or don't know how to dispose of them safely.
These should not be mixed with municipal garbage.
Hazardous wastes include paints, thinners, any flammable liquid, insecticides and pesticides in cans, toxic cleaning chemicals such as oven and drain cleaners, spot removers, fluorescent lightbulbs, batteries, motor oil and filters and probably many others when you check the labels!
Where possible use rechargeable batteries so that they do not end up in trash. Ordinary batteries contain heavy metals like nickel, lead and cadmium, so need to be disposed as hazardous waste.
Ask local hardware stores about what alternatives they stock as home decorating materials?
Do they stock natural paints, low VOC (volatile organic compounds) or zero VOC paints and finishes?
Call for change
Check with municipal waste collection centres in your city or town about safely processing hazardous household waste material. Do they have a collection service or drop off centres?
Check the same details with independent recycling, waste collection companies. Ask how they safely dispose of hazardous waste so that it does not leak into land, air or water systems a source for drinking water.
What regulations or certifications do they comply with?
As citizens, consumers, tax payers, find out and become aware and make your friends aware of your government's pt city's waste regulations and enforcement.
Make a noise, start asking by writing, email, social media to find out what authorities are doing about these issues and safe non-hazardous disposal of waste.
What is dumped in your local landfill? Is it being used for growing food afterwards? What is the state of your local drinking water source?