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School action on COP 26

Forest Trees

Quick facts - did you know?


  • The United Nations Climate Conferences are intergovernmental negotiations and global forums for discussions and decisions on Climate Change

  • The Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement respectively placed legal instruments on countries to implement targets to reduce impact of climate change 

  • The latest reports in 2021 show that the planet is hotter and climate crisis has hit a tipping point with increased natural disasters affecting the globe 

  • In November 2021 The UK is hosting the UN climate Change conference (COP 26).  Students across schools globally are becoming aware of how this will impact their zero – Carbon future and sustainability of the planet.

  • Educators and the school student community can take action to ensure that world leaders get it right to reverse the challenges of climate change and bring global temperatures to 1.5c. and below.

Forest Trees

What schools can do


  • Download the educational resources packs below

  • Sign up to the Let's Go Zero Campaign

  • Bring action for sustainability to life

  • Complete challenges

  • Make contact with teachers and schools around the world on knowledge sharing platforms!

  • Develop creativity by adapting materials

Teaching and learning resources


UN Climate Change Conference.


WWF and partner organisations have put together OUR CLIMATE OUR FUTURE educational pack.  

  • Use these resources and ask questions of your officials in your country. 

  • Check the other links given.



Here is what schools and young people can do to raise awareness using the Free Teaching pack. Twinkle have some free resources to download on COP 26



CAFOD Eyes of the World campaign for primary schools



Here are some other sites related to COP 26 with activities that schools can implement






UK Schools can sign up to Let’s Go Zero Campaign and act to challenge climate change and decarbonizing.  Schools elsewhere around the world can take on some of the ideas for ACTION to implement in their regions and countries.



Bring action for sustainability to life for primary students by supporting them to complete weekly challenges that help in the fight against climate change.



The Climate Action Project supported by WWF links with teachers and students around the world across 142 countries on a 6-week journey through climate change issues. It helps develop skills in creativity, real world problem solving and critical thinking.




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