Teaching and learning resources on sustainability for schools worldwide
The recent global pandemic has highlighted more than ever how interconnected our lives truly are. The need for us to work as a global community has never been so strong and the failure to do so has never had such potentially serious consequences. This is a call that many of our young people are taking up and, in many cases, are even leading the way on.
However, more still needs to be done. The clock is ticking; the time to take a world view and assess the impact our decisions, as nations and individuals, is having on communities everywhere, is now! We are passionate about the part education can play in this and we hope that these resources will support you as we take on this challenge together.
Climate change is our current global crisis, with rising global temperatures creating more frequent and intense disasters, increased inequalities, and heightened food insecurity impacting millions of people on the planet. We all need to take actions to reduce the global temperature by 1.5 C to ensure the earth’s resources remain sustainable. Much of this can be done by changing our human activities and behaviours.
These pages provide teaching and learning resources which can be adapted to any local or country environment. Find links for teachers, students and parents wanting to:
Include environmental topics connecting to the curriculum
Encourage schools and students to reduce carbon footprints
Learn about the school as a circular economy to reduce waste
Promote environmental sustainability through school’s procurement practices
Find innovations, solutions and stories to address climate change in global communities
Implement UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through adapted local action plans and courageous advocacy.
Share your school's stories from around the world by teachers and young people on taking actions on sustainability to inspire others. Click here to sign up free and post your latest experiences on the Schools page in the Forum
Look at the resources under the following categories which can all be adapted for your local, national or regional contexts.