Courageous advocacy and being a global citizen
Courageous advocacy - taking action on equity, fairness and climate justice
The Climate Crisis and call for implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 underpins the gaping Inequalities that exist across the globe.
They have resulted in the need to advocate for human rights, equality, fairness, power and democracy and equal access to basic necessities of food, water, safety, shelter, education.
Climate justice means that much of the globe suffers disproportionately more than a minority of wealthier industrialised nations. This is the fall out of the climate crises.
Teaching and learning resources for schools
Youth are raising their voices and asking for action.
Harmony project explores natures principles and apply in practice and create global community.
Learning about Fairtrade across the globe
Fair Trade International
Learn how Fair Trade works internationally and the impact on fairness and lives of the producers. Useful for older students doing projects.
Sustainability and Environmental Education have a series of resources around Youth Listening Project. Get some ideas to adapt to your school in your region or country.
Operation Noah is working to inspire action on climate change and working with partners to Divest from fossil fuel and campaign for Fossil Free UK.
UNICEF works to uphold the rights of all children around the world, save children’s lives, and help fulfil their potential. Climate change and environmental degradation undermines the rights of every child.
Video and website – 100 people A world portrait, global education toolbox
The 100 People Foundation helps students to better understand the complex issues facing our planet and the resources we share. If the world was just 100 people uses data to illustrate the differences in equity. Teachers have used information to engage students in learning about global populations
Videos from100 people from schools participating and their videos.
Riding Lights takes a look at our belief systems and why we want to do something to bring about positive change
Explaining connections between religion and belief and environmental ethics.
Giving reasons for their views about climate change and its impacts on humanity.
Considering arguments for climate justice.
Analysing the challenges faced by this generation on Earth about the future of the planet.
CAFOD Eyes of the World campaign for primary schools
Solutions for the Planet run a campaign on Big Ideas
80:20 works on Educating and Acting for a Better world. They work on acting on equity in human development and human rights. Here are some educational projects and ideas conducted with schools.
British Council teaching resources cover a variety of topics promoting global understanding, equity, peace and sustainability.
​Acting as global citizens
Our personal actions and way of living in one part of the world has an impact on other people’s lives and life forms elsewhere on our planet
Climate Change and our behaviours show that we are all interconnected
Global collaboration amongst people brings innovative ideas, inventions and solutions
Take action and make changes in your habits to reduce carbon footprints
Create awareness in your community and act for sustainable living environments
Express your voice and ask decision makers for sustainable policies that reduce carbon footprint and combats climate change impacts.
Teaching and learning resources for schools​
Find out and read the stories of communities across the world tackling climate change impacts.
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is the world’s largest environmental education organisation. There are a number of projects adapted in various countries. The programmes are adopted across 77 countries.
FEE also Runs the following global programmes.
The Global Forest Fund – is a scheme to help individuals reduce their carbon footprint and provide resources and education to communities.
Learning about forests
Young Reporters for the Environment is a platform for young people, aged 11 to 25 to research environmental challenges and tell stories of solutions through reporting, photography and video journalism. Get involved and express your voice.
Eco –Schools Global uses three structural elements, the seven step framework, the Eco-Schools Themes and assessment for Green Flag School. Schools need to sign up from the Board, school leaders and involvement of staff for a long-term commitment to involve students in decision making.
Eco-Schools.org.uk is part of the Eco Schools Global network
Resources for Rethinking is a Canadian learning resource for teachers and schools on sustainability. There are links to other sites connecting teachers to lesson plans, videos and what actions schools are taking.
More stories of innovation from around the world can be found in the Forum here